Fees-saving calculation

Note: Evia pays all the fees on user's behalf

The fee for each compounding transaction, if done manually, consists of two parts:

  1. Claiming rewards: $0.025

  2. Staking rewards to validators: $0.025

Therefore, the total fee for manual compounding per transaction is $0.05.


To calculate the fees saved when using Evia's Auto-Compounding Vaults, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the number of auto-compounding transactions per specified time period (e.g., per day, per week, per month).

  2. Multiply the number of auto-compounding transactions by the total fee for manual compounding per transaction.

    • For example, if the user sets the vault to auto-compound twice daily and the total fee for manual compounding is $0.05 per auto-compound, then for a month (30 days), the calculation would be:

Total fee saved = (Number of auto-compounds per day) * (Total fee for manual compounding per compounding) * (Number of days in a month) 
Total fee saved = (2) * ($0.05) * (30) = $3.00 [Per vault]

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